Sunday, December 20, 2009

Quit smoking cigarette

Quit smoking cigarette before the effects of smoking overpower you

The smoking statistics show that an estimated 26.2 million men and 20.9 million women in the United States are smokers. It means that a large population in the US is at an increased risk for serious smoking related diseases and therefore there’s a strong need for quit smoking now.

Effects of smoking

The long term smoking effects are serious and can appear in the form of diseases like lung cancer, heart attack, stroke, blood vessel diseases, impaired vision in older people, and premature ageing or wrinkling of the skin.

One of the smoking effects among women is an increased risk for heart disease. If women combine smoking with contraceptive pills, this risk increases by 30 times as compared to a non-smoker. In addition they are prone to miscarriages and give birth to low birth weight babies.

Second hand smoking

All are aware about the active smoking effects, but not many people know the serious effects of second hand smoking. While you are an active smoker, people around you automatically become passive smokers, when they inhale the smoke produced from your cigarette. This second hand smoke can produce serious smoking effects, especially among women and children. The need for quit smoking now arises, especially after the World Health Organization’s declaration that smoking effects are the leading cause of preventable deaths and diseases among people throughout the world.

Quit smoking Now

If you can quit smoking now, some of the immediate benefits that you are likely to get are better food taste, easy breathing, and high energy levels. People who can quit smoking now can experience long term health benefits and reduced risk of serious smoking effects.

You can quit smoking now and get financial benefits as well. The money that is wasted in buying cigarettes can be used for accomplishing some other useful purpose in your life. After all, it’s your hard earned money.

Is it easy to quit smoking now? Well, it’s very easy to quit smoking now due to the easy availability of aids and drugs that can be helpful in kicking the habit. You can also get quit smoking help online. With any suitable quit smoking aid or drug, you can reduce the withdrawal symptoms of smoking as well as serious smoking effects.

Quit smoking now can also be possible with the help of Chantix which is an oral prescription pill that reduces cravings for nicotine as well as withdrawal symptoms.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Smoking Health Risks

Smoking Health Risks - Smoking effects in women, Diseases caused by smoking & quit smoking with Chantix

If you are a long time smoker, you are bound to experience serious health risks. These smoking effects can be visible in the form of serious diseases that often become the cause of death in the majority of cases. The World Health Organization or WHO says that smoking effects are the leading cause of preventable diseases and deaths among people worldwide.

Statistics reveal that tobacco consists of more than 400 toxic substances and 4,000 chemical compounds. And tar in cigarettes is probably the most hazardous substance because it is a carcinogen. Additionally, carbon monoxide decreases the oxygen levels in the blood. The most addictive substance in tobacco, nicotine gives rise to different health problems such as strokes, heart attack or miscarriage; it also increases cholesterol levels in the blood, increasing the risk of a heart attack. Smoking also causes chronic coughing, shortness of breath, premature aging, recurrent infections and reduced overall fitness.

Diseases caused by smoking

Cigarette smoking has several harmful health effects. People who are addicted to smoking may suffer from a number of serious and fatal diseases that are a direct cause of smoking. Smokers are more prone to suffer from respiratory infections and numerous other complaints such as coughs and colds. In addition, smokers are more predisposed to suffering from certain dreadful diseases like cancer, heart disease, cardiovascular diseases, lung disease, respiratory problems, strokes and several other problems related to kidneys, liver and the pancreas. Moreover, smoking is also responsible for bad breath and skin problems like premature aging and wrinkles

Smoking effects in women

Women smokers suffer all the consequences of smoking that men do such as increased of risk various cancers and respiratory diseases, in addition to other health risks. Smoking effects among women are more serious, especially if they are over 35 years and take birth control pills; they are at an increased risk of miscarriage or have an increased probability of giving birth to a low birth-weight babies. Other smoking effects among women are their increased susceptibility to the addictive properties of nicotine as they have a slower metabolic clearance rate.

Quit smoking with Chantix – A good quit smoking aid

There are many quit smoking aids and drugs like Chantix can help you to get rid of this habit easily. Depending upon your suitability, you can choose a quit smoking aid. You can consider using it after a medical consultation with a doctor.

Chantix is an oral quit smoking drug that is prescribed to smokers who want to quit. It helps them to reduce the withdrawal symptoms as well as strong cravings for nicotine. The main ingredient in Chantix is varenicline tartrate that works by reducing your desire to smoke. It’s available in strengths of 0.5mg and 1mg tablets. These doses should be taken as per the doctor’s recommendations. The treatment period with Chantix is 12 weeks, during which most of the smokers are able to quit smoking successfully.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Stop Smoking Now

Stop smoking now to keep harmful effects of cigarettes at bay

If you are reading this you already know that cigarette smoking is injurious to health and you need to stop smoking but the question is how to quit smoking when you also know that it is just not easy to give up cigarettes. You won’t find yourself bombarded with all sorts of threats and harmful effects of smoking cigarettes, nor would you find yourself feeling guilty about how your passive smoking is slowly putting your loved ones at the risk of cancer; this page aims to tell you only one thing ‘how to quit smoking the easy way’!

How to quit smoking?

Most smokers need an aid to stop smoking. This is because smoking cessation leads to annoying problems such as headache, insomnia, chest congestion, sore throat, fatigue, constipation, irritation and strong cravings for cigarettes. These problems are known as withdrawal symptoms and are often the reason because of which most people cannot stop smoking. In order to quit smoking, it is important to address withdrawal symptoms, which has become possible with the help of Chantix. This medication is nicotine-free and works by targeting the nicotinic centers in the brain and stimulates these centers just as it nicotine in cigarettes stimulates them. This fools the brain into thinking that it has got its daily fix of nicotine and does not demand or crave for cigarettes. Chantix makes it very easy for you to stop smoking.

Stop smoking with Chantix

Chantix is a prescription quit smoking medication that needs to be taken for a period of 12 weeks for successful smoking cessation. This medication is manufactured by Pfizer and has a success rate of 44%, which is by far unmatched and unparalleled. If you were wondering how to quit smoking and put up with all those exasperating withdrawals and cravings, you need not worry any more. Chantix acts like nicotine and affects the ‘feel-good’ chemicals in the brain, which takes care of cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Chantix is also available online, which makes it all the more easy for you to get Chantix and stop smoking for good!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Effects of smoking on you and your loved ones

Smoking is the greatest cause of death and disability. Statistics from the World Health Organisation say that smoking is responsible for approximately five million deaths worldwide per year. Smoking effects on human health are serious and in many cases, deadly. Cigarettes contain 4000 chemicals approximately, most of which are toxic.

When quit smoking help is sought, it dramatically improves your chances of avoiding myriad biological and physiological smoking effects. In fact, smoking effects can be seen on all parts of your body, which include the urinary tract, digestion, bones as well as the reproductive system. Additionally, smoking effects can also be seen on blood capillaries and oxygen flow. Bronchitis and pneumonia are the secondhand smoking effects in infants up to 18 months of age. Secondhand smoking effects can also manifest as middle ear problems, coughing, wheezing, severe asthma attacks and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Let’s face it; most smokers really enjoy their ciggie. In spite of wanting to, many are unable to quit smoking because of the severe cravings. So, how to quit smoking when you actually love to smoke? How to quit smoking if in your heart you really don’t want to? The first step to quit smoking is to wish deep down your heart that you want to quit. Once you get around this part, there is quit smoking help around for you to make it easier for you.

Quit smoking help is available in the form of written material like books and magazines; Chantix; cigarette substitutes like nicotine lozenges, patches and gum; exercise and fitness and hypnosis. Online guidance can also prove to be a good place to start with. When a person tries to quit smoking, the body starts to take some quick actions in response to the shortage of nicotine in the system. Over a period of time you are likely to suffer severe withdrawal symptoms like nervousness, tension and anxiety; increased anger, frustration and irritability; restlessness; fatigue; insomnia; concentration problems; headaches, weight gain and increased appetite as the harmful toxins are removed from the body.

Although the health risks of smoking are cumulative, quit smoking with Chantix, or other nicotine substitutes and get health benefits regardless of age or the length of time you have been smoking.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Are you planning to quit smoking cigarettes? - Tips to Quit smoking

Cigarette smoking is the most common habit among people throughout the world. Most men, women and teenagers smoke cigarettes for a variety of reasons. Some may smoke to relieve the stress in their lives, some may smoke for fun, and teenagers mostly smoke under peer pressure or simply to imitate their favorite actors who can be seen smoking in movies or TV programs.

Despite a ban on smoking in public places by many countries of the world, smoking is still the leading cause of preventable deaths and diseases among people throughout the world. It has been confirmed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

If you are a smoker and are planning to quit, you can easily get support or help from sources out there that provide tips to quit smoking. You can join any quit smoking program in your area and get support or help for your quit smoking efforts.

Tips to quit smoking

• Get support from a counselor who can provide you with some excellent tips to quit smoking
• You can also get support or help from your family members or friends in your efforts to quit smoking
• Make some lifestyle changes and seek company of those people who support your quit smoking efforts
• Join any quit smoking program and follow the tips to quit smoking provided to you, be it telephone counseling or face-to-face talk
• Get support in the form of prescription drugs like Zyban or Chantix for your quit smoking help in consultation with a medical doctor

Zyban and Chantix are both prescription drugs that help in quitting smoking successfully. Unlike nicotine replacement therapies, these drugs are free from nicotine. Zyban is an anti-depressant and contains bupropion as its main ingredient whilst Chantix contains varenicline as its active ingredient.

At present, Chantix is considered the most popular drug for quit smoking. It doesn’t contain nicotine but does reduce the nicotine cravings by mimicking its effect in the brain. It stimulates the nicotine receptors without actually providing any nicotine. This is very unlike nicotine replacement therapies that treat nicotine cravings by injecting small but consistent doses of nicotine. With Chantix treatment, many smokers have successfully kicked this habit. You can also take this quit smoking medication, provided it’s prescribed to you by a doctor after a thorough check up.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Why Quit Smoking?

Before you try to convince your friend to quit smoking, it is very important for you to understand why one should quit smoking. Better understanding of the subject will help you convince your friend better and hopefully helping your friend to quit smoking for life.

Those who have witnessed the ruthless impact of cigarettes on a person’s life say the battle to quit smoking today is actually a battle to save a diseased or dying body tomorrow. Smoking puts you on high risk of life threatening diseases such as lung cancer besides cancers of the esophagus, larynx, kidney, pancreas, and cervix. Smoking also increases the risk of other health problems, such as chronic lung disease and heart disease. Smoking during pregnancy can have adverse effects on the unborn child, such as premature delivery and low birth weight.

While quitting smoking may be hard the health benefits when you "quit smoking" are immediate and substantial. Almost immediately, a person's circulation begins to improve and a person's pulse rate and blood pressure, which may be abnormally high while smoking, begin to return to normal. Within a few days of quitting, a person's sense of taste and smell return, and breathing becomes increasingly easier.

Monday, August 10, 2009

How to Quit Smoking?

Here we come to the most crucial part. Just verbal talks on quitting smoke serve absolutely no purpose unless a person is determined to quit smoking. For your dear friends who have decided to put an end to this unhealthy addiction, here are some tips on how to quit smoking -

  • Avoid people and places that tempt you to smoke. Most smokers have smoking partners and favorite corners where they hang out for smoking. Strictly avoid these high temptation people and places!
  • Use oral substitutes such as sugarless gum or hard candy, cinnamon sticks, or artificial cigarettes. Quite a number of people feel that oral substitutes are invaluable for people who have decided to quit smoking.
  • Avoid alcohol and coffee as these tend to stimulate the desire for a cigarette. Experts also advise to drink lots of water and fluids the first few days, to help flush out the nicotine and other poisons from the body.
  • Practice deep breathing when you experience the urge to smoke. As you breathe, gently remind yourself the goodness of quitting smoke and your determination to quit.
  • Delay the urge. If you have a strong tendency to smoke at a particular moment tell yourself you must wait at least 10 minutes. This helps as the urge to smoke only lasts a few minutes, and will then pass.
  • Go for exercise and develop hobbies to keep you positively occupied and avoid the temptation to smoke again.
  • Take help of quit smoking aids such as Chantix (Varenicline). The drug imitates the effects of nicotine to reduce cravings and withdrawal effects when you stop smoking. Chantix also cuts off all the pleasures of smoking and thereby help in quitting.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Quit Smoking Help

Always remember quitting is hard but very much possible. To achieve your quitting goal you may seek help of hundreds of organizations, friends and family members who are more than willing to offer you "quit smoking help". Apart from organizations, you may also seek assistance from your doctor, dentist, local hospital or employer who may offer you information, counseling and moral support. Tell your support group in advance about your quit date so that they may offer you quit smoking help when required.

The first quit smoking help you can offer yourself is to throw away all your cigarettes, lighters and ashtrays. Also make persistent and determined efforts to avoid places, people and situations that are likely to tempt you to smoke. For a few days you are likely to suffer from withdrawal symptoms such as anger, depression, splitting headaches besides others. Request your family members, friends and colleagues for tolerance and help you quit smoke.

If you do not wish to go through the difficult process of leaving cold turkey, request your doctor to prescribe quit smoking help drugs like Chantix. Manufactured by Pfizer, "Chantix" is a non-nicotine medication that fights nicotine cravings and reduces withdrawal symptoms. The ingredient inhibits the nicotine in cigarette smoke from binding to the nicotinic receptors in the brain and helps reduce the effects of dangerous nicotine. The drug therefore removes the pleasure out of smoking so that you don’t feel like lighting another cigarette in your life!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Smoking: a harmful habit

Smoking is a common yet bad habit that contains many health risks. You might be aware about health risks of first hand smoke and second hand smoke. But now, another hand is added to smoke known as third hand smoke, which can affect anyone who comes to a place where a smoker has smoked a cigarette. Third hand smoke is in the form of all the residual toxins that are left in the air after a cigarette has been extinguished.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has already issued warnings that Smoking is injurious to health. This statement is also imprinted on every pack of cigarettes. However, paying no heed to these warnings, the majority of people go on smoking for many years.